Homeless Education
The McKinney-Vento Act was adopted to ensure that homeless children and students placed in state facilities are provided with a thorough and efficient education.
To read more about the McKinney-Vento Act, please visit: https://nj.gov/education/code/current/title6a/chap17.pdf
For regional information for Salem County about McKinney-Vento services, visit the Region 5 website at: https://www.woodstown.org/Page/5173
Quinton Township School District Information for Families in Transition
District Homeless Liaison:
Mrs. Gwen Herman
Email: gherman@quintonschool.info
Phone: (856) 935-2379 x202
We are here to help!
If you have recently lost permanent housing and are currently in transition, please reach out to the District Homeless Liaison for resources.