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Restart and Recovery Plan

Quinton Twp. School Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction 

Quinton Township School


Within this page, you will find further information on our plan to fully re-open Quinton Township School to its students.   

Our endeavors our to do so with the goals of keeping everyone Safe and Healthy as we embark on a new year of instruction.

Below is detailed information regarding our "Safe Return to In-Person Instruction", this initiative provides a comprehensive

perspective of our approach to reopen for the 2021-2022 school year.


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Click here for "Restart and Recovery Plan"

Restart and Recovery Plan Overview


Below is a link to an overview providing a general overview in Google Slide format

for easy navigation displaying important information for our community 

and the Restart of Quinton Township School's 2020-2021 school year.



Restart Icon


Click here for Google Slide Presentation