Ensuring each individual board member has the opportunity to share their ideas openly and honestly without interruption
Community Engagement
BOE members meet deadlines
Action Plan - The board will continue to report their attendance that training sessions and school events.
2022-2023 ESEA Goals
ESEA GOALS - 2022-23
- By June, 2023 59.8% of the students in grades 1-8 will meet or exceed expectations on the Mathematics NJSLA - Math assessment (3-8) and/or other measures of success (grades 1-2) as a result of implementing the Go Math and Big Ideas Programs, Intervention and Referral Services, Professional Development, and IXL.
- By June, 2023 80.0% of the students in grade 8 will meet or exceed expectations on the Mathematics NJSLA - Algebra assessment as a result of implementing the Go Math and Big Ideas Programs, Intervention and Referral Services, Professional Development, IXL, Accelerated Mathematics 7 Course and Algebra I Course.
- By June, 2023 61.4% of the students in grades 1-8 will meet or exceed expectations on the English Language Arts NJSLA - ELA assessment (3-8) and/or other measures of success (grades 1-2) as a result of implementation of the Response to Intervention Program, Intervention and Referral Services Program, Implementation of Professional Learning Communities, Professional Development, and the incorporation of a new reading, writing and phonics series.
- By June, 2023 100% of the staff will participate in professional development in the following Danielson Domains, as identified through data collected throughout the 2021-22 school year:
- Domain 1 (C specifically strand 4) and 1F
- Domain 2 (2D)
- Domain 3 (D specifically strand 4)
- Domain 4 (4d)
- By June, 2023 100% of our students who are in grades K-4 will increase their foundational Fountas and Pinnell Oral Comprehension levels by two levels.
- By June, 2023 100% of our students (Grades PreK-8) will participate in our comprehensive guidance program by participating in a targeted lesson to address one or more of the following topics: Social / Emotional Wellness and College and/or Career Preparation.
Vision Statement
Vision for Education
The objective of the instructional program is the achievement of the goals set by the Quinton Township Board of Education. The primary goal of the Board is to provide each child regardless of socio-economic status the educational opportunity which will prepare him/her to function politically, economically and socially in a democratic society. Since the individual grows and matures at his/her own rate, the intellectual, emotional and physical challenges which he/she must experience in the learning process must also vary. To this end, the Board directs the building of a school program which never knows completion, but is adaptable enough to keep pace with the ever-growing knowledge and ideas which challenge society each day and yet be flexible enough to encourage and assist each child to meet his/her own needs.
Mr. Potter, Superintendent
Dear Parents/Guardians:
It is with a great sense of pride that I welcome you and your family to the Quinton Township School community. After serving as the district’s Principal for the past 15 years, this is truly a great place to have your children learn from a dedicated staff of educators. We are proud of the fact that two of the past four years a staff member from our school has been named Salem County Teacher of the Year!
The student handbook contains important information for your review that will enable you to support your child(ren) in school activities. There will be times, however, when you may have questions or need further explanation of the information contained in this handbook. If such a need should arise, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher, the main office personnel or administration.
The school community works best when staff, parents, and students work together to develop a strong partnership. It is my goal to strengthen this relationship so our students understand that we as a community will work tirelessly for their success! As we begin the 2022-23 school year, I encourage you to attend Home and School meetings, volunteer for day and evening events, attend monthly Board of Education meetings, and participate in school initiatives.
It is our goal each and every day to mold our students into well-rounded individual thinkers where they will be able to be successful in high school and productive with whatever career path they choose. Our dedicated staff will provide a challenging environment in the classroom. With your support, our children will continue to grow into fine young men and women, ready for the next challenge that life has to offer.
Stewart G. Potter